Saturday, January 4, 2014

Autonomous Driving Cars

In a recent article in Automobile Magazine, they said that by 2020, new cars would be able to communicate with each other.

I can only imagine the conversations that they will be having:

"Hey, move out of the way, slower traffic should keep right!"

"Watch out!  My driver doesn't know how to use the brakes!"

And of course, with assisted braking, traction control, and all new driver aids that will make us more "passengers"  rather than drivers, they may say something like:

"Take heed!  I'm applying the brakes myself because my driver is not paying attention."

Some models will also have self-diagnostics, and can communicate with the dealership.

"Looks like I'm due for service, and I'm not tracking straight.  Can you check my alignment when I come in?"

And with all that plus GPS location services, weather services and traffic info, it can call the police.

"Police department?  I'm parked at a dive bar, the road home is icy, I've got 5% tread left and 1mm of brake pads left.  Looks like I'm the designated driver.  This is not going to end well."

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